New York Paycheck Calculator - SmartAsset (2024)

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Use SmartAsset's paycheck calculator to calculate your take home pay per paycheck for both salary and hourly jobs after taking into account federal, state, and local taxes.

New York Paycheck Calculator - SmartAsset (1)

Overview of New York Taxes

New York state has a progressive income tax system with rates ranging from 4% to 10.9% depending on a taxpayer's income level and filing status. Living in New York City adds more of a strain on your paycheck than living in the rest of the state, as the Big Apple imposes its own local income tax on top of the state one. New York City’s income tax system is also progressive and rates range from 3.078% to 3.876%.

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Post-Tax Deductions





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' + '

' + '' + '

' + '

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '

' + '

' + '' + '

' + '

'; }; var addRow = function (thisCount, values) { container.find('.popout-tbody').append(renderRow(thisCount)); var $thisContainer = container.find('.deduction-' + thisCount); var $sel = $thisContainer.find('select[name="deduction-calculation-type"]'); var $inputs = $thisContainer.find('input.percentage, input.dollar'); var $nameInput = $thisContainer.find('input[name="deduction-name"]'); $sel.val(container.find('.deduction-' + (thisCount-1) + ' select[name="deduction-calculation-type"]').val()); $sel.select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: -1 }); $inputs.val(0); $thisContainer.find('input.dollar').autoNumeric('init'); $thisContainer.find('input.percentage').autoNumeric('init'); if (values) { $nameInput.val(; $sel.val(values.type).trigger("change"); if (values.type === 'dol-fixed') { $thisContainer.find('.dollar.tightcontainer').show(); $thisContainer.find('.percentage.tightcontainer').hide(); $thisContainer.find('input.dollar').autoNumeric('set', values.value); } else { $thisContainer.find('.dollar.tightcontainer').hide(); $thisContainer.find('.percentage.tightcontainer').show(); $thisContainer.find('input.percentage').autoNumeric('set', values.value); } } onDedCalcTypeSelect(thisCount, $sel.val()); updateTotalPostDeductions(); smartasset.inputs.repositionPopout(); $nameInput.on('change blur focusout keypress keyup paste', function () { var thisInput = $(this); if (thisInput.val().length > 0) { thisInput.parent().parent().removeClass('has-error'); } smartasset.inputs.repositionPopout(); }); $sel.on('change', function(){ onDedCalcTypeSelect(thisCount, $sel.val()); }); $sel.add($inputs).on('change blur focusout keypress keyup paste', function(){ updateTotalPostDeductions(); }); }; var onDedCalcTypeSelect = function(thisCount, value) { var $row = container.find('.deduction-' + thisCount); if (value === 'dol-fixed') { $row.find('.dollar.tightcontainer').show(); $row.find('.percentage.tightcontainer').hide(); } else { $row.find('.dollar.tightcontainer').hide(); $row.find('.percentage.tightcontainer').show(); } }; var updateTotalPostDeductions = function(){ var totalVal = 0; var $rows = container.find('.popout-tbody .popout-row'); var totalPostTaxDeductions = 0; $.each(, function(index, value){ totalPostTaxDeductions += value.value; }); $.each($rows, function(){ var $this = $(this); var $displayAmount = $this.find('.calculated-deduction-amount'); var calcType = $this.find('select[name="deduction-calculation-type"]').val(); switch(calcType) { case 'dol-fixed': $displayAmount.text('$' + smartasset.math.commatoze($this.find('input.dollar').autoNumeric('get'))); totalVal += $this.find('input.dollar').autoNumeric('get') * 1; break; case 'per-gross': $displayAmount.text('$' + smartasset.math.commatoze($this.find('input.percentage').autoNumeric('get') / 100 *; totalVal += ($this.find('input.percentage').autoNumeric('get') / 100) *; break; case 'per-net': $displayAmount.text('$' + smartasset.math.commatoze($this.find('input.percentage').autoNumeric('get') / 100 * ( + totalPostTaxDeductions))); totalVal += ($this.find('input.percentage').autoNumeric('get') / 100) * ( + totalPostTaxDeductions); break; } }); container.find('.calculated-amount-total').text('$' + smartasset.math.commatoze(totalVal)); var errorMsg = container.find('p.error-message'); if (totalVal > {; } else { errorMsg.hide(); } smartasset.inputs.repositionPopout(); }; // // before popup is shown, reload the data (imagine someone canceled the popup, hit escape, etc) // smartasset.hooks.register("beforePopoutShow", function() { doLoad(); }); // // register the onInputsLoaded method // smartasset.hooks.register("onInputsLoaded", function() { smartasset.inputs.reshowPopout('ud-post-td', 'ud-post-td'); doLoad(); }); $(function() { container = $('.ud-post-td'); container.find('p.error-message').text('Your deductions can\'t exceed your income.'); container.find('.add-row-button').on('click', function(){ var $rows = container.find('.popout-tbody .popout-row'); if ($rows.length < deductionMax) { addRow($rows.length); } if ($rows.length >= deductionMax) { container.find('.add-row-button').addClass('disabled'); } }); smartasset.hooks.register('onInputsLoaded', function(){ updateTotalPostDeductions(); }); container.find(".next").unbind("click").click(doSave); }); }()); Do this later


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Tax Exemptions

Federal Income Taxes

State Income Taxes

Local Income Taxes

Social Security


State Insurance Taxes

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Salary (per year)


Hourly Wage


Hours (per pay period)


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Overtime Hourly Wage


Overtime Hours (per pay period)


You can't withhold more than your earnings. Please adjust your .

Your estimated -- take home pay:


Where is your money going?

Gross Paycheck $--
Taxes --% $--
Federal Income --% $--
State Income --% $--
Local Income --% $--
FICA and State Insurance Taxes --% $--
Social Security --% $--
Medicare --% $--
State Disability Insurance Tax --% $--
State Unemployment Insurance Tax --% $--
State Family Leave Insurance Tax --% $--
State Workers Compensation Insurance Tax --% $--
Pre-Tax Deductions --% $--
Post-Tax Deductions --% $--
Take Home Salary --% $--

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Member FDIC

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' + linkText +'

' + '

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    ' + '

    '+ smartasset.math.commatoze(account.APY, 2) + '%' + '

    ' + trackingPixels + '

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  • ' + '
  • ' + '

    Interest Rate

    ' + '

    ' + ( hasRate ? smartasset.math.commatoze(account.rate, 2) + '%' : 'N/A' ) + '

    ' + '
  • ' + '
  • '+ '

    Min. Balance for APY

    ' + '

    ' + '$' + smartasset.math.commatoze(account.minDeposit,0) + '

    ' + '
  • ' + '

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New York Paycheck Calculator

New York Paycheck Calculator - SmartAsset (7)

New York Paycheck Quick Facts

  • New York income tax rate: 4.00% - 10.9%
  • Median household income: $81,386 (U.S. Census Bureau)
  • Number of cities that have local income taxes: 2

How Your New York Paycheck Works

When you start a job in the Empire State, you have to fill out a Form W-4. Your new employer will use the information you provide on this form to determine how much to withhold from your paycheck in federal income taxes. How much you pay in federal income taxes depends on several factors like your marital status, salary and whether or not you have additional taxes withheld from your paycheck.

The new W-4 includes notable revisions. The biggest change is that you won't be able to claim allowances anymore. Instead, you'll need to input annual dollar amounts for additional income and things like non-wage income, total annual taxable wages, income tax credits and itemized and other deductions. The form also utilizes a five-step process that asks you to enter personal information, claim dependents and indicate any extra income or jobs.

In addition to federal income taxes, you will see FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) taxes being withheld from your paycheck. FICA taxes are Social Security and Medicare taxes, and they are withheld at rates of 6.2% and 1.45% of your salary, respectively. Your employer will match the amount you pay in FICA taxes, so the total contributions are doubled. It’s worth noting that if you are self-employed, you will have to pay the entire amount yourself, though the good news is that you can deduct the employer portion.

Certain wages are also subject to what's known as the Additional Medicare Tax. If your filing status is single, head of household or qualifying widow(er), any wages you earn in excess of $200,000 are subject to the 0.9% Medicare surtax. This is not matched by employers. Meanwhile, married couples filing jointly pay this tax on all wages over $250,000, while married couples filing separately pay it on wages that exceed $125,000.

New York Median Household Income

YearMedian Income

New York State’s progressive income tax system is structured similarly to the federal income tax system. There are nine tax brackets that vary based on income level and filing status. Wealthier individuals pay higher tax rates than lower-income individuals. New York’s income tax rates range from 4% to 10.9%. The top tax rate is one of the highest in the country, though only taxpayers whose taxable income exceeds $25,000,000 pay that rate.

What your tax burden looks like in New York depends on where in the state you live. If you live in New York City or Yonkers, you're going to face a heavier tax burden compared to taxpayers who live elsewhere. That’s because NYC and Yonkers imposes an additional local income tax.

Like the state’s tax system, NYC’s local tax rates are progressive and based on income level and filing status. There are four tax brackets starting at 3.078% on taxable income up to $12,000 for single filers and married people filing separately. The top rate for individual taxpayers is 3.876% on income over $50,000. The rates are the same for couples filing jointly and heads of households, but the income levels are different.

Yonkers also levies local income tax. Residents pay 16.75% of their net state tax, while non-residents pay 0.5% of wages.

Another thing worth noting is that certain self-employed taxpayers in New York City, as well as Richmond, Rockland, Nassau, Suffolk, Orange, Putnam, Dutchess and Westchester counties have to pay a metropolitan commuter transportation mobility tax (MCTMT) of up to 0.34% of net earnings to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).

While New York as a whole has a generally high tax burden, it doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t buy a home there. It does mean it’s a good idea to be aware of the ongoing expenses and build them into your budget. If you are considering using a mortgage to purchase or refinance a property in New York, our New York mortgage guide can provide useful information about rates and getting a mortgage in the state.

State Income Tax Brackets

  • Single Filers
  • Married, Filing Jointly
  • Married, Filing Separately
  • Head of Household
Single Filers
New York Taxable IncomeRate
$0 - $8,5004.00%
$8,500 - $11,7004.50%
$11,700 - $13,9005.25%
$13,900 - $80,6505.50%
$80,650 - $215,4006.00%
$215,400 - $1,077,5506.85%
$1,077,550 - $5,000,0009.65%
$5,000,000 - $25,000,00010.30%
Married, Filing Jointly
New York Taxable IncomeRate
$0 - $17,1504.00%
$17,150 - $23,6004.50%
$23,600 - $27,9005.25%
$27,900 -$161,5505.50%
$161,550 - $323,2006.00%
$323,200 - $2,155,3506.85%
$2,155,350 - $5,000,0009.65%
$5,000,000 - $25,000,00010.30%
Married, Filing Separately
New York Taxable IncomeRate
$0 - $8,5004.00%
$8,500 - $11,7004.50%
$11,700 - $13,9005.25%
$13,900 - $80,6505.50%
$80,650 - $215,4006.00%
$215,400 - $1,077,5506.85%
$1,077,550 - $5,000,0009.65%
$5,000,000 - $25,000,00010.30%
Head of Household
New York Taxable IncomeRate
$0 - $12,8004.00%
$12,800 - $17,6505.00%%
$17,650 - $20,9005.25%
$20,900 - $107,6505.50%
$107,650 - $269,3006.00%
$269,300 - $1,616,4506.85%
$1,616,450 - $5,000,0009.65%
$5,000,000 - $25,000,00010.30%

NYC Income Tax Brackets

  • Single Filers
  • Married, Filing Jointly
  • Married, Filing Separately
  • Head of Household
Single Filers
New York City Taxable IncomeRate
$0 - $12,0003.078%
$12,000 - $25,0003.762%
$25,000 - $50,0003.819%
Married, Filing Jointly
New York City Taxable IncomeRate
$0 - $21,6003.078%
$21,600 - $45,0003.762%
$45,000 - $90,0003.819%
Married, Filing Separately
New York City Taxable IncomeRate
$0 - $12,0003.078%
$12,000 - $25,0003.762%
$25,000 - $50,0003.819%
Head of Household
New York City Taxable IncomeRate
$0 - $14,4003.078%
$14,400 - $30,0003.762%
$30,000 - $60,0003.819%

A financial advisor can help you understand how taxes fit into your overall financial goals. SmartAsset’s free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you’re ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

How You Can Affect Your New York Paycheck

If you find yourself always paying a big tax bill in April, take a look at your W-4. One option that you have is to ask your employer to withhold an additional dollar amount from your paychecks. For example, you can have an extra $25 in taxes taken out of each paycheck by writing that amount on the corresponding line of your W-4. This paycheck calculator will help you determine how much your additional withholding should be.

Another way to manipulate the size of your paycheck - and save on taxes in the process - is to increase your contributions to employer-sponsored retirement accounts like a 401(k) or 403(b). The money you put into these accounts is taken out of your paycheck prior to its taxation. By putting money away for retirement, you are actually lowering your current taxable income, which can help you save in taxes right now. Another option is to put money in a spending account like a health savings account (HSA) or a flexible spending account (FSA) if your employer offers them. The money you put in these accounts is also taken from your paycheck before taxes, and you can use those pre-tax dollars to pay for medical-related expenses like copays or certain prescriptions. Just keep in mind that only $610 in an FSA will roll over from 2023 to 2024 and $640 from 2024 to 2025. If you contribute more than that and then don’t use it, you're out of luck.

New York Top Income Tax Rate

YearTop Income Tax Rate
New York Paycheck Calculator - SmartAsset (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.