Rabi-Ribi Game Save Location (2025)

1. Rabi-Ribi - Resources - Speedrun.com

  • View Rabi-Ribi speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun.com.

  • View Rabi-Ribi speedruns, leaderboards, forums and more on Speedrun.com

2. Rabi-Ribi - Convert save from PC to Switch? | GBAtemp.net

  • 19 okt 2019 · I tried copying the save0 and save1 to Checkpoint and restoring the save. However, the game loads but then crashes just before the title screen.

  • Hello, I am looking for some assistance. Rabi-Ribi was recently released, I was playing it on PC but would like to transfer my save over to the Switch to resume play. I have tried exporting my save via Checkpoint and comparing the save file on the PC. The PC has files named "save0.sav" and...

3. Subterranean Area - Rabidb

  • The sealed off area after Miriam doesn't act that same way as Rabi-Rabi Ravine 2 when trying to enter it from an autosave from a 1.65 save in 1.75. Instead of ...

  • Rabidb: Rabi-Ribi's nearly complete database website. Achievements, Maps, Items, Characters, etc...

4. Gameplay | Rabi-Ribi Wikia - Fandom

  • Accessibility: Takes time to get to, easy to leave. Save point nearby. Aruraunegrovefarm. Area: Icy Summit. Best accessed: End-game.

  • On this page you'll find various tips on making Erina and Ribbon's adventures a lot easier. Travelling around the world requires a little acrobatics. You may even find yourself having trouble progressing past certain parts of the game. Making sure to use all available items, as you will need them to get around. The GIF below is a good example of doing so; click it to enlarge. Some times you may find yourself a little under-equipped, or perhaps a little burnt out on dying too much to the same bos

5. Rabi-Ribi (Video Game) - TV Tropes

  • Also, regardless of difficulty, all boss rooms autosaves before entering, saving you the run in case you fail. And if you really insist on completing the game ...

  • Erina is just a normal, everyday rabbit. She loves her owner Rumi and her life on the peaceful Rabi Rabi Island. But one day, she wakes up in a strange place. What's more, besides her bunny ears and tail, she's become human! Now, with a help of …

6. Rabi-Ribi Guides - Steam Hunters

  • Lucky Rabi Numbers. This works great for 0% item runs. Before you go into the library after Irisu, make a separate save file. It is recommended to have ...

  • 6 guides sorted by votes.

7. Azure Snow Land #1208 - Rabidb

  • Rabidb: Rabi-Ribi's nearly complete database website ... Rita SP Rita Save Location Attack Up Save Location Self Defense Easter Egg Warp Location ...

  • Rabidb: Rabi-Ribi's nearly complete database website. Achievements, Maps, Items, Characters, etc...

8. PC / Computer - Rabi-Ribi - Healing Stone / Save Point

9. A Christmas Carrot - Rabi-Ribi Custom Maps - wcko87

  • The game is divided in three big parts: main game / postgame / postpostgame. You can explore a lot of areas but sometimes an item is required to enter an area.

  • A Christmas Carrot is a story-oriented map freely inspired by Dickens’ famous masterpiece “A Christmas Carol”. The story takes place on a very particular night - it’s Christmas!

10. Rabi-Ribi (Windows) - The Cutting Room Floor

  • Tilesets. There's two debugging tilesets in the game's files. These can be shown if -debugshowevents is added to the launch parameters.

11. Items | Rabi-Ribi Wikia - Fandom

  • Item, Image, Obtained, In-game Description. Fire Orb, Fire Orb, in Volcanic Caverns, Allows Erina to inflict collision damage.

  • There are many items for both Erina and Ribbon to use. While many are scattered around the world, a good portion can be bought and upgraded at Miriam's Shop...

12. Using the Tiled Map Editor for Rabi-Ribi - wcko87

  • Tiled is a pretty flexible map editor, and can do a lot of things not accepted by the Rabi-Ribi game. ... save event, which allows autosave events to be triggered ...

  • Guide to Rabi-Ribi Map Editing

13. Rabi-Ribi Achievements - Steam Hunters

  • This is not a game if you can't lose! 1,511 / 1,877 5 80.5 %.

  • 220 achievements sorted by SH%.

14. Rabi-Ribi - 2D Exploration Platformer - Indiegogo

  • ... Save for later. Share. Story. FAQ. Updates 3. Comments 29. Offical Site : http ... Yue started writing Game Plugins and making games for 8 years, previous games ...

  • a Game About Rabbits, Action and Bullet Hell !? | Check out 'Rabi-Ribi - 2D Exploration Platformer' on Indiegogo.

15. 2D | Released PS Vita Arcade Video Games - Gamepressure.com

  • ... save the day. Rabi-Ribi. Arcade 01 September 2017. A two-dimensional platform game heavily inspired by the metroidvania genre. In Rabi-Ribi the ...

  • A list of Released Arcade 2D video games for PSV sorted by popularity among gamers.Arcade games require great dexterity, precision, and reflexes. This genre includes the most popular platformer games.

Rabi-Ribi Game Save Location (2025)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.